Unser Team ist wie eine Champions-League Mannschaft aufgestellt. Junge, wissenshungrige Einsteiger bringen Dynamik, Frische und neue Ideen mit. Hochqualifizierte Spezialisten sorgen für Effizienz und Qualität im Team und transferieren das innovative Know-How.

Und unsere erfahrenen Profis, mit langjähriger Projekt- und Berufserfahrung, führen und managen das KOGIT Team jede Saison an die Spitze des Identity Management Business. Das Ziel ist dabei immer der Erfolg unserer Kunden. Nachhaltig, mit Freude und Smart!


Motto: "Menschen mit einer neuen Idee gelten so lange als Spinner, bis sich die Sache durchgesetzt hat."
Dr. Martin Dehn
CTO, Lead Architect
Motto: "Explore. Dream. Discover."
Gerald Kaufhold
Geschäftsführer / CEO
Motto: "Sei Teil der Lösung, nicht Teil des Problems."
Andreas Müller
COO, Lead Architect
Motto: "Wer nicht genießt ist ungenießbar."
Dr. Sven Hübner
Head of Consulting, Principal Consultant
Hobbys: Boardsports: (Wind-)Surfing, Wakeboarding, Skateboarding (Longboard), Laufen, Wandern.
Boris Brodowski
Head of Professional Services, Senior Business Consultant


Uwe Fischer
Senior Solution Consultant, Team Lead
Motto: "NEINs sind Hinweisschilder auf dem Weg zu den JAs. "
Steffen Kiesecker
Senior Business Consultant, Team Lead
Motto: "Actions speak louder than words. "
Florian Mangold
Senior Solution Consultant, Team Lead
Motto: "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
Thomas Maschutznig
Solution Architect, Team Lead
Motto: "Change is like the wind. We cannot control its direction, but we can direct our sails and thus reach our destination."
Adrian de Reuver
Project Manager, Team Lead
Motto: "Es gibt keine Probleme nur Lösungen. "
Alexander Löwen
Solution Architect
Motto: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it."
Patrick Wehinger
Solution Architect
Motto: "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
Nadja Angelov
Business Consultant
Motto: "Stepping out of your comfort zone is hard. But it’s worth it. Always."
Indranil Ariunbold-Behnke
Solution Engineer
Motto: "Do your best now, because your past and future depends on it."
Nadia Ayüp
Solution Engineer
Motto: "Machen nicht quatschen."
Sebastian Beetz
Solution Consultant
Motto: "Don't panic."
Stephan Bosch
Business Analyst
Motto: „Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.“
Arun Chauhan
Solution Consultant
Motto: “Pain is for a while, but victory remains forever.”
Yu-Chih Chung
Senior Solution Consultant
Motto: "The best things in life aren’t things. "
Silvio Conti
Solution Consultant
Motto: "Die Blumen machen den Garten, nicht der Zaun."
Arno Dorenbusch
Senior Solution Consultant
Motto: „Wer immer tut, was er schon kann, bleibt immer das, was er schon ist.“
Florian Frank
Business Consultant
Motto: "Tüchtigkeit ist intelligente Faulheit."
Lukas Friedl
Solution Engineer
Samuel Gajdos
Junior Consultant
Motto: "Yesterday‘s home runs don‘t win today‘s games."
Wanessa Gawlik
Werkstudentin Digital Marketing Specialist
Franziska Gerstädt – Victoria Villeda
Kaufmännische Referentin
Patrick Geu
Jochen Grobholz
Project Manager
Motto: "Whatever you are scared of is the one thing you gonna lean in and go do."
Markus Größchen
Motto: "Pars pro toto."
Alexander Hill
Solution Consultant
Motto: "Inmitten von Schwierigkeiten liegen günstige Gelegenheiten."
Jürgen Hofmann
Solution Consultant
Motto: "Quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem."
Florence-Anne Kälble
Digital Marketing Manager
Motto: "Work smarter, not harder.“
Jost Kaufhold
Junior Consultant
Motto: "Think positive!"
Katarina Kreutzfeldt
Motto: "Well done is better than well said."
Alfred Lamptey
Ani Landolsi
Motto: "ALWAYS keep an open mind."
Jakshish Malik
Business Consultant
Motto: "Change is the only constant in growth."
Ryoma Ninomiya
Senior Business Consultant
Maryam Oveisgharani
Business Consultant
Mathias Rehmund
Motto: "Ein Weg entsteht, wenn man ihn geht."
Khotan Roshanaei
Project Management Office
Motto: "A little progress each day adds up to BIG results. If you try and fail, CONGRATULATIONS. Most people wont even TRY."
Manas Ranjan Sahu
Solution Engineer
Robin Saric
Motto: "Denke lieber an das was du hast, als an das, was dir fehlt."
Andreas Scheppele
Solution Consultant
Motto: "Es gibt keine Probleme, nur Lösungen. "
Detlef Schmier
Senior Solution Consultant
Motto: "Follow the river and you will get to the sea."
Mustafa Sevinc
Solution Consultant
Joshua Springer
Solution Engineer
Francesca Telesca
Solution Engineer
Motto: "If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.“
Ana Vasileva
Junior Consultant
Jan Malte Weber
Solution Engineer
Motto: "Finis coronat opus."
Jan Wohlwender
Solution Consultant
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