
Rheinstrasse 40-42, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone +49 61 51 / 78 69-0

You can reach us by phone or through the contact form below.


Our head office is located in Darmstadt. At the Darmstädter Kreuz intersection, drive in the direction of the city center. At Kasinostraße (4th traffic light) you will see the Office Tower to your right. You will find us on the fifth floor.

We are looking forward to your visit.

How to reach us

The nearby Frankfurt Airport and the adjacent motorways A5, A6 and A3  allow customers and employees toreach us quickly and directly for strategic meetings. Our office is also easily accessible by public transport.

Nearby parking

Multi-storey car park Neckarstraße / entrance Adelungstraße

Parking close to the building
Our guests have the possibility to park in the nearby parking garage Neckarstraße. The entrance to the multi-storey car park is in Adelungstraße.
A reserved parking space is available at our office tower upon request. Please enquire about its availability before your visit.